Thursday, February 15, 2007

Pigeons in the Park

It's one of the facts of in-home childcare (which is what my business is) that one can only have two under-2-year-olds at a time. (As regulated in the Home Based Care Order.) This, of course, is very practical as I'm not sure how anyone would go for walks with three under-2s. (OK, so you could use a double buggy and a backpack - but really, it sounds like much too much hard work.) But it is unfortunate because I have turned away two families wanting childcare this week - both with very wonderful little kids I'm sure - because they are too young.

My two Little Kids (aged 18 months both) and I found ourselves in a grassy park with pigeons this morning. They squeeked with delight when they first saw the birds. After being let out of the buggy (and the obligatory sandwich), the girls discovered the true delight of being a small biped around flying things. They trotted off to examine the pigeons, who walked around - and then suddenly scattered! The power of this seemed to go to I's(child) head. She threw back her head and laughed - and repeated the exercize several times.

Of course, I don't want to encourage cruelty to animals - maybe pigeons get tired of being chased at 1km/hour - but at least these ones were being paid for their entertainment value in sandwich leavings.
(by the way, the photo above is from Google Images.)

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