Historic Fruit
I was making room in the cupboard for the marmalade which we made at the weekend, when I came across a special treat.
Bottled stewed quince and apple, 1996 vintage!
Although I often reuse the seals if they have come off without bending the edge (there's a knack to that), I don't think Mum does. And I have never bottled stewed apple, with or without quinces. So this would certainly have been true to label.
Mum probably gave me a few jars of her (older) bottled fruit to use up, but that would have been some years ago.
We like quinces very much, but you don't see them often. Grandad has a quince tree tangled in with one of the pear trees in the orchard where he lives, but it sometimes only gives 4-8 quinces (and sometimes none) - and his landlady makes sure she gets a few of those. I usually make jam, when I can get them.
We opened this jar with a bit of caution, smelling and tasting the contents carefully, but all seemed well. Those of us who appreciate this sort of thing had them cold with vanilla ice cream for pudding, and then finished off the jar with muesli for breakfast this morning.