Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New laptop

I've got a new laptop.

I have had a loptop for the past two years for Playcentre Federation work, and it's been a life saver - meaning I could be away from home without having to abandon my other work, and get Playcentre work done in an efficient way. (Increasing productivity - that'll please Bill English!) That Playcentre laptop will be passed on to another Federation Officer who needs a computer.

But this laptop is my own, and is research dedicated. It has been purchased with the help of the University. (Thank you VUW.) They are supposed to give masters and phd thesis students a range of resources to support their study, and it's the first time I've got anything from the Minimum Resourse Agreement, apart from free machine coffee in the staffroom at uni.

Bern has set up the applications, and I'm just setting up the settings the way I like them. And trying to find new keystroke combinations, 'cos using a touch-pad instead of a mouse is a pain in the neck. (Actually, just seeing the 'pointy thing' on the screen is a pain - must find a bigger 'pointer'.)

The laptop has quite a wide screen, and I think is bigger than my last one. So it's not one of the really slim-line ones. But it is the cheapest one we could find that would meet the specs required to get the subsidy, and would do what I want. It has the bonus that it comes with a Windows XP 'down-grade'! (Yes, I still perfer XP.)

I've just found a cool keystroke combination that lets me increase the size of what is on the screen at will, and this works well as it's a wide screen, so I can get it quite big without losing too much off the side of websites. (You can set up your screen to always make things large print, but this lets you change it up or down at a keystroke.)

Am also setting up my favourite websites.

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